
Thursday, June 5, 2014

Blue Jays and Adulting

Recently, I had the luck to have my hair done by an amazing stylist/family friend. She did it a golden brown with individually-painted blonde highlights in the bangs and blonde, teal, and blue peek-a-boo highlights. It looked amazing, but I couldn't kept it up and I feel more natural with red anyway. Instead of trying to keep the blonde-teal-blue combo, she did red with blue covering everything else.. which I feel might be a little too much blue myself. However, as soon as she'd done the first session, blue jays started popping up all over my life. One left me a tail feather, now they're in all th yards, including mine, they follow me to the park. My animal is usually a panther, so here's what the internet has to say about blue jay symbolism: Like the crow, magpie and raven, blue jays are talkative creatures utilizing a wide range of vocalizations to express their opinions. Indeed, their speech abilities are so advanced, that they are able to mimic other birds and even humans. Blue jay's have been known to mimic hawk calls as a ploy to lure these birds of prey away from jay's nests. Likewise, those with the blue jay as their totem are quite loquaciousness, and have the gift of gab. Common vocations of those with the blue jay as their totem are sales people, lawyers, politicians, public speakers, and teachers. Animal Symbolism of the Blue Jay: Energy Clarity Vibrancy Advantage Curiosity Faithfulness Intelligence Communication Determination Assertiveness Loquaciousness Animal symbolism of determination, assertiveness, and intelligence is also a shared trait among those who claim the blue jay as their totem (and also common attributes with those having the vocations above listed). We see these characteristics in the blue jay because it is fiercely bold against its enemies. The jay is fearless when it comes to protecting its partner, young and territory. So too are those with this animal as their totem. They will defend their positions against adversaries who seem much more powerful than themselves - often with successful results.

Blue jay animal symbolism resonates truth, faithfulness, and solidarity because they are vigilant in their tasks. They also keep the same mate for life, which is symbolic of endurance, patience and loyalty. The jay is an excellent symbol for those wishing to honor their long-lasting bond between friends, family and lovers. In the spiritual realm, the blue jay speaks of clarity and vision. In Native American symbolism (namely the Sioux Nation) the azure of the jay against the blue sky indicated a "double vision" or double clarity. This visual/spiritual "blue on blue" concept speaks of purity of the soul, truth of the heart, and clarity of thought. In dreams the blue jay animal symbolism also deals with clarity - but of higher thoughts, and taking action. When we dream of blue jays our deeper selves may be telling us that we are not being honest with ourselves about something, and it's time to "come clean" with our thoughts. Blue jay's in dreams are also symbolic of taking action in the direction of our highest truth. The jay asks for honesty, and forthrightness - any other action taken (such as deceptive or dishonest action) will mean double jeopardy for us in our waking hours. These spiritual and dream impressions are especially poignant because the jay is an air animal totem. Creatures of the air naturally symbolize the realm of thought, higher ideals, spirituality and the attainment of higher truth. The Sioux also observed the jay preferring fir and oak trees for their homes and nesting areas. These trees are symbolic of longevity, endurance and strength, and so share the same animal symbolism with the blue jay. This is not to say the jay is persnickety. On the contrary, the blue jay animal symbolism includes aspects of opportunity and advantage because it will make its home anywhere. From supermarket awnings, to mailboxes, the blue jay is extremely resourceful and makes the best out of its environment. Those with the jay as their totem are likely to be the same way. Generally easy-going, jay people are able to make a turn situations around to their best advantage, and make awesome lemon aid out of the sourest of lemons. Blue jay's are vastly curious, stopping to peck at any shiny thing that catches their eye (much like crows and magpies). Those who resonate with the blue jay will also find themselves equally curious. Indeed, blue jay people have are always dabbling in new directions, gathering new insight, and slaking their curiosities. These people tend to be a jack-of-all trades, knowing a little bit about seemingly everything. This makes them fantastic trouble-shooters and quite resourceful (not to mention fascinating party guests).
Well, I haven't been feeling particularly assertive, loquacious, or determined lately.. but maybe that will rub off? I'm certainly all about clarity, honesty, and fierceness. Hopefully this is good medicine because I'm needing it. As for other animal symbolism in my life, my tarantula finally molted and.. it's a girl! I haven't named her yet. And don't look at me that way, I'm terrified of spiders, too. I just figured that if I was in charge of taking care of one for many years, I would grow less freakishly terrified over time. I guess the one thing that Jays and I have in common is resourcefulness. I was talking to someone from school and they said something so deeply meaningful that it made me cry. I had talked about my son, my relationships, family, friends, church, school, art, furry kids, moving and she said, "I don't know how you do it. You're so.. responsible. You're on top of things and getting it done. That's amazing." It's the first time anyone has ever said anything like that to me. Sure, my house looks like it might be featured on the "Top 10 Most Eclectic" episode of hoarders. Maybe I have little breakdowns. Maybe I do now have a permanent scar from my kid pretending to hug me and then bite me instead. Yes, sometimes finances are challenging. But I'm adulting. I am getting it done. It may not be picture-perfect or mani-pedi'ed like my mom or sister, but I've never been that person. I'm me, and my life is beautiful and full of magic. My son wears my hair ties as arm bands. I live in a house where there is always someone home, the house is never empty. I head to the door before people pull up. And it's absolutely, 100% me for right now (I'm ever changing), and it's fantastically beautiful, even if only I see it that way.


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Thursday, June 5, 2014

Blue Jays and Adulting

Recently, I had the luck to have my hair done by an amazing stylist/family friend. She did it a golden brown with individually-painted blonde highlights in the bangs and blonde, teal, and blue peek-a-boo highlights. It looked amazing, but I couldn't kept it up and I feel more natural with red anyway. Instead of trying to keep the blonde-teal-blue combo, she did red with blue covering everything else.. which I feel might be a little too much blue myself. However, as soon as she'd done the first session, blue jays started popping up all over my life. One left me a tail feather, now they're in all th yards, including mine, they follow me to the park. My animal is usually a panther, so here's what the internet has to say about blue jay symbolism: Like the crow, magpie and raven, blue jays are talkative creatures utilizing a wide range of vocalizations to express their opinions. Indeed, their speech abilities are so advanced, that they are able to mimic other birds and even humans. Blue jay's have been known to mimic hawk calls as a ploy to lure these birds of prey away from jay's nests. Likewise, those with the blue jay as their totem are quite loquaciousness, and have the gift of gab. Common vocations of those with the blue jay as their totem are sales people, lawyers, politicians, public speakers, and teachers. Animal Symbolism of the Blue Jay: Energy Clarity Vibrancy Advantage Curiosity Faithfulness Intelligence Communication Determination Assertiveness Loquaciousness Animal symbolism of determination, assertiveness, and intelligence is also a shared trait among those who claim the blue jay as their totem (and also common attributes with those having the vocations above listed). We see these characteristics in the blue jay because it is fiercely bold against its enemies. The jay is fearless when it comes to protecting its partner, young and territory. So too are those with this animal as their totem. They will defend their positions against adversaries who seem much more powerful than themselves - often with successful results.
Blue jay animal symbolism resonates truth, faithfulness, and solidarity because they are vigilant in their tasks. They also keep the same mate for life, which is symbolic of endurance, patience and loyalty. The jay is an excellent symbol for those wishing to honor their long-lasting bond between friends, family and lovers. In the spiritual realm, the blue jay speaks of clarity and vision. In Native American symbolism (namely the Sioux Nation) the azure of the jay against the blue sky indicated a "double vision" or double clarity. This visual/spiritual "blue on blue" concept speaks of purity of the soul, truth of the heart, and clarity of thought. In dreams the blue jay animal symbolism also deals with clarity - but of higher thoughts, and taking action. When we dream of blue jays our deeper selves may be telling us that we are not being honest with ourselves about something, and it's time to "come clean" with our thoughts. Blue jay's in dreams are also symbolic of taking action in the direction of our highest truth. The jay asks for honesty, and forthrightness - any other action taken (such as deceptive or dishonest action) will mean double jeopardy for us in our waking hours. These spiritual and dream impressions are especially poignant because the jay is an air animal totem. Creatures of the air naturally symbolize the realm of thought, higher ideals, spirituality and the attainment of higher truth. The Sioux also observed the jay preferring fir and oak trees for their homes and nesting areas. These trees are symbolic of longevity, endurance and strength, and so share the same animal symbolism with the blue jay. This is not to say the jay is persnickety. On the contrary, the blue jay animal symbolism includes aspects of opportunity and advantage because it will make its home anywhere. From supermarket awnings, to mailboxes, the blue jay is extremely resourceful and makes the best out of its environment. Those with the jay as their totem are likely to be the same way. Generally easy-going, jay people are able to make a turn situations around to their best advantage, and make awesome lemon aid out of the sourest of lemons. Blue jay's are vastly curious, stopping to peck at any shiny thing that catches their eye (much like crows and magpies). Those who resonate with the blue jay will also find themselves equally curious. Indeed, blue jay people have are always dabbling in new directions, gathering new insight, and slaking their curiosities. These people tend to be a jack-of-all trades, knowing a little bit about seemingly everything. This makes them fantastic trouble-shooters and quite resourceful (not to mention fascinating party guests).
Well, I haven't been feeling particularly assertive, loquacious, or determined lately.. but maybe that will rub off? I'm certainly all about clarity, honesty, and fierceness. Hopefully this is good medicine because I'm needing it. As for other animal symbolism in my life, my tarantula finally molted and.. it's a girl! I haven't named her yet. And don't look at me that way, I'm terrified of spiders, too. I just figured that if I was in charge of taking care of one for many years, I would grow less freakishly terrified over time. I guess the one thing that Jays and I have in common is resourcefulness. I was talking to someone from school and they said something so deeply meaningful that it made me cry. I had talked about my son, my relationships, family, friends, church, school, art, furry kids, moving and she said, "I don't know how you do it. You're so.. responsible. You're on top of things and getting it done. That's amazing." It's the first time anyone has ever said anything like that to me. Sure, my house looks like it might be featured on the "Top 10 Most Eclectic" episode of hoarders. Maybe I have little breakdowns. Maybe I do now have a permanent scar from my kid pretending to hug me and then bite me instead. Yes, sometimes finances are challenging. But I'm adulting. I am getting it done. It may not be picture-perfect or mani-pedi'ed like my mom or sister, but I've never been that person. I'm me, and my life is beautiful and full of magic. My son wears my hair ties as arm bands. I live in a house where there is always someone home, the house is never empty. I head to the door before people pull up. And it's absolutely, 100% me for right now (I'm ever changing), and it's fantastically beautiful, even if only I see it that way.

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