
Friday, March 8, 2013


Let's not dance around it; I've been amiss when it comes to updating this blog. Originally, this blog was tied to my jewelry business but it's been awhile since I've done anything with that either. When we found out I was pregnant with Tobias, it was clear we couldn't stay in our apartment. Up till the move, my jewelry-making tools were split between my desk in the bedroom and my workbench on the porch. I was put on bedrest right before the move because of a pre-term labor scare, so I couldn't help pack or move. I have no idea which boxes house my jewelry gear and (hopefully) we won't be at this house long enough to merit unpacking everything. I'm excited about the prospect of tackling this blog. Things are progressing in such a way that I am sensing a renewal. I'm finishing up the open-hand tai qi form and am going to be starting the spring and autumn fan form. I'm going to delve into some shamanic drumming. We're trying to eat better and I'm cutting out gluten. I'm going to try my hand at sewing so I can reuse my old clothes that don't seem to be fitting fast enough after having had my baby... I'm applying to go back to school after having taken the year off for the end of the pregnancy and for Tos' first months. I'm considering selling my jewelry business to fund the start of what may become a major business venture. I'm experiencing a blossoming of my personal faith. These are huge steps for me. I've been distanced from everything these last few months. The day we had Tobias, I had a grand mal seizure. Ever since then, my postpartum anxiety has been causing me to think I was going to have a seizure every time I had a panic attack. Our lifestyle has definitely not been healthy or mindful up till now. We've been eating junk food and not exercising... Probably like 99% of America; though you wouldn't know it from reading other blogs. I'm going to be honest about it, though, because the changes wouldn't appear so miraculous from the outside otherwise.


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To be announced

Friday, March 8, 2013


Let's not dance around it; I've been amiss when it comes to updating this blog. Originally, this blog was tied to my jewelry business but it's been awhile since I've done anything with that either. When we found out I was pregnant with Tobias, it was clear we couldn't stay in our apartment. Up till the move, my jewelry-making tools were split between my desk in the bedroom and my workbench on the porch. I was put on bedrest right before the move because of a pre-term labor scare, so I couldn't help pack or move. I have no idea which boxes house my jewelry gear and (hopefully) we won't be at this house long enough to merit unpacking everything. I'm excited about the prospect of tackling this blog. Things are progressing in such a way that I am sensing a renewal. I'm finishing up the open-hand tai qi form and am going to be starting the spring and autumn fan form. I'm going to delve into some shamanic drumming. We're trying to eat better and I'm cutting out gluten. I'm going to try my hand at sewing so I can reuse my old clothes that don't seem to be fitting fast enough after having had my baby... I'm applying to go back to school after having taken the year off for the end of the pregnancy and for Tos' first months. I'm considering selling my jewelry business to fund the start of what may become a major business venture. I'm experiencing a blossoming of my personal faith. These are huge steps for me. I've been distanced from everything these last few months. The day we had Tobias, I had a grand mal seizure. Ever since then, my postpartum anxiety has been causing me to think I was going to have a seizure every time I had a panic attack. Our lifestyle has definitely not been healthy or mindful up till now. We've been eating junk food and not exercising... Probably like 99% of America; though you wouldn't know it from reading other blogs. I'm going to be honest about it, though, because the changes wouldn't appear so miraculous from the outside otherwise.

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